Carpal Tunnel Master

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the compression of the median nerve under the transverse ligament of the wrist. By the way, Hilma Volk’s guide presents a unique method of treatment of this disease. The compression of the nerve occurs between the three bone walls and the dense ligament that hold the tendons of the muscles flexing the fingers and wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome is more common in women than in men (3 to 10 times according to different sources).

The highest incidence occurs between 40-60 years old (although this disease can occur at any age, only 10% of affected are younger than 31 years old). The risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome is around 10% over a lifetime, 0.1-0.3% per year in adults. The overall prevalence of the syndrome is 1.5-3%, and the prevalence among certain risk groups is up to 5%. The syndrome is more common in representatives of the Caucasian race, and it almost never occurs in some African countries.

Diseases of this group occur in many professions, including industries such as construction, mining, engineering, and agriculture. They are caused by chronic functional overvoltage and micro-traumas, performing fast movements of the same type. At an early stage, the symptoms occur and are uncertainly painful for several months. At their first appearance, they do not cause suspicion, and medical assistance is required only when they become more pronounced.

The symptoms become constant and are characterized by severe pain. In the absence of treatment, a gradual weakening and waning of the muscles of the thumb occur. From a medical point of view, the carpal tunnel syndrome does not pose serious health risks, but may severely limit daily activity and may require changes in the nature of work. It is recommended to start treatment in time to avoid irreversible nerve damage.

Carpal Tunnel Master by Hilma Volk

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