Hypertension Reverser

Blood pressure determines the volume of blood that the heart pumps and the resistance that it encounters in the arteries. The more blood is pumped by the heart and the narrower is a human artery, the higher will be the pressure. High blood pressure is a very common disorder. Often, the pressure in humans can be increased for years without causing the appearance of whatsoever symptoms.

However, uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the risk of serious diseases, including heart attack and stroke. By the way, my friends, in the guide by Derek Daniels, there’s a unique method of treatment of high blood pressure at home. This manual will allow you to save a decent amount on medicines while showing excellent results in the pressure reduction, which is not always possible when using the first ones.

High-Pressure Symptoms

Symptoms of high blood pressure may be dull headaches, dizziness, and nosebleeds. However, in most cases, these symptoms appear only when the infringement was very serious and potentially life-threatening. By that time, a person could live with high blood pressure for more than one year. In order to notice the onset of the disease, it is necessary to pass a full medical examination every two years. If you have increased blood pressure, you need to be examined more often.

Risk Factors

The older the person is, the more likely it is that his blood pressure is high. For men, the risk increases especially after 40-45 years, for women – after menopause.

Family history. The probability of developing hypertension is particularly high for those whose close relatives suffered from this disorder.

Being overweight or obese. The more overweight the person is, the more blood is required to supply oxygen and nutrients to the various tissues of the body. The greater the volume of blood circulating through the arteries, the more force it presses on the blood vessel wall.

Lack of physical activity. People, leading a sedentary lifestyle, increased heart rate, and the more often the heartbeats, the higher the blood pressure falls on the walls of the arteries. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of overweight and obesity.

In the process of smoking (or chewing) tobacco blood pressure each time temporarily rises. In addition, the chemical substances contained in tobacco, changing the inner shell walls of arteries, causing the arteries narrow, which also leads to increased pressure. For passive smokers, cigarette smoke has the same effect.

Excess salt (sodium) in the diet. Excessive intake of sodium, which is a constituent substance of salt, causes fluid retention, which increases blood pressure.

The lack of potassium in the diet. Potassium helps to regulate sodium balance in the body’s cells. The deficiency of this element will cause sodium to accumulate in the blood.

Lack of vitamin D. While it is not clear exactly how vitamin D deficiency leads to high blood pressure, we know that it affects the enzyme produced by the kidneys that affect blood pressure.

Alcohol abuse. Over time, excessive alcohol consumption causes damage to the heart, which leads not only to increased pressure but also inflicts severe damage throughout the body as a whole.

High-stress levels cause a temporary, but a very strong increase in blood pressure. The situation is aggravated by the fact that often people try to cope with stress by means of overeating, alcohol, and tobacco.

Chronic diseases. Such disorders as diabetes, kidney disease, sleep apnea, high cholesterol significantly increase the risk of hypertension.

Hypertension Reverser by Derek Daniels

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