The Natural Thyroid Diet

The Natural Thyroid Diet e-book is written by prominent Australian naturopath, Louise O’Connor, to help those suffering from hypothyroidism learn to cope and improve their illness the natural way.

The author of this guide is a well-known naturopath and wellness coach based in Australia, who has dedicated her professional career to helping and healing via her combined disciplines, along with a healthy dose of science-based research to back it up.

The first edition of this program was published by O’Connor back in 2007. Ten years later, she’s out with a new edition of the popular book that furthers the goal of helping those who suffer from hypothyroidism with additional, up-to-date research and the latest information on hypothyroidism and natural, holistic remedies and treatments.

Does this program really work?

Louise O’Connor is a naturopath as well as a wellness coach. She uses the skills she’s learned throughout her education and career to crafting a 4-week plan to naturally treat hypothyroidism. A big part of her plan is diet-based. Studies show that thyroid is influenced by diet.

For instance, a lack of iodine—or too much—can cause a host of thyroid-related issues. By “going back to basics”, as O’Connor says, those following the plan can learn what foods help their hypothyroidism and which foods hurt it, both the general condition but also for them, personally. Studies show limited diets can help people with a wide array of health issues.

The pros and cons

The major pro is the Louise O’Connor is a professional in her fields, so the advice from that standpoint is solid. The con, it may or may not go against your doctor’s advice, so check with them on that.


Louise’s guide is definitely worth checking out if you suffer hypothyroidism and are looking for both holistic answers and holistic remedies.

The Natural Thyroid Diet by Louise O’Connor

Natural Thyroid Diet book cover
Download (PDF Book) Natural Thyroid Diet