How to Write Songs That Sell

Nowadays there are all sorts of ways to earn money for musicians and DJs. On the one hand, everything has become a little more complicated, because the market is full of all kinds of creations of new talents. On the other hand, there are so many opportunities that the eyes scatter.

Even sometimes you do not know what to grasp. If you write songs and do not know how to make good money on this, then you must download the “How to Write Songs That Sell” course. This e-book will not be superfluous for studying and those who already tried to make money on writing songs, but it did not work.

In this case, it is very important to follow the rules from professionals in the field of creativity and marketing. The most important thing in such a situation is not to spray a lot of directions at once. It is desirable to concentrate on one thing, plus to develop and develop in parallel, at most, a couple of ways to monetize your creativity.

The fact that creativity should be of high quality and it is necessary to constantly develop and improve. I’m sure that if you compose high-quality songs, then they necessarily find a buyer. Where can you sell your songs, you ask? I will give some examples of such places.

Musical Producing Centers

They always need new songs. If you can compose them, then safely send your creations there. However, remember that any song consists of at least 2-3 verses and one chorus and that when writing the text you must strictly observe the alternation of both stressed syllables and rhyme.

As for the subject matter of the text itself, you first need to find out what exactly the producer center is doing, where you are going to send your songs. Agree, it will be silly to send romances to those who read rap, and, conversely, to try to interest hip-hop of those who promote only pop.

Recording Studios

Starting to work with them, you expect only that one or another performer, which will be recorded at the studio, will open the folder lying on the table and see the text of your song. And this is quite real. At least because the overwhelming majority of recording studios work as exchanges, offering their customers ready songs.

Only I want to warn you in advance: you will not be paid immediately. The money you get only if somebody wants to buy your song. At the same time, the studio, as an intermediary, will take from you 10 to 60 percent. But do not get upset. Recording studios pay a decent amount and you again want to write a new hit.

Singers and composers

You need to communicate with them through their sites. They are almost every composer and popular singer. However, you must be prepared for the fact that such as you are thousands. It may well be that no one will ever sing a song you send. So send your songs to as many places as possible. Do this as often as possible. Sooner or later you will reach the addressee, and then your music will sound on every corner.

Children’s editions

They always need talented poets, and so if you really have a spark of God, you can easily find work there. Just be prepared for the fact that your songs will at first be cut back and redone. Also, you constantly have to write songs on other people’s ideas. But with something all the same you need to start, and work in a children’s publishing house – not a bad beginning for a budding composer.

Advertising agencies

Well, this work will suit only the most stubborn, hardworking and non-standard-minded people. And all because, most likely, you will have to write 50, 100, or even 200 variants of short songs on the same topic, before the customer chooses what he really likes. But as a result, he will pay you so much that you will feel comfortable for a month.

This is not a complete list of places where you can sell your music. If you just try to sell your songs, as you yourself learn many other options, where you can sell a high-quality music product. The main thing to remember is that at this time in New York alone, more than 10,000 people earn from 3 or more thousand dollars a month to write songs. Nobody prevents you from becoming successful in selling your songs. The main thing is to get the necessary knowledge in marketing your work and success will surely smile on you.

How to Write Songs That Sell by Anthony Ceseri

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