Blood Pressure Protocol

A pressure of 140/85 mm Hg and higher is considered as increased one (while the normal one is about 115-120 to 70-80 mm Hg). In 10% of all the cases, such increased blood pressure is caused by various diseases. This type of hypertension is called systematical. Let’s try to understand, which reasons can cause high blood pressure.

The reduced tone of blood vessels

Firstly it’s required to pass an examination, i.e. make basic blood and full metabolic panels, urinalysis (basic), internal organs sonogram, cardiogram (ECG), rib cage fluoroscopy and blood vessels sonogram. If according to analysis results and the examination your doctor finds blood vessel problems (e.g. reduced vessel tone), and you don’t have any other health problems, that means you have essential hypertension. Such a state requires proper and careful medicine selection, which will reduce essential hypertension symptoms and will keep your blood pressure in normal limits.

Kidney problems

Kidney diseases are usually accompanied by high blood pressure. For example, when you have urination disorders (i.e. pain, burning, and increased urinary frequency), there’s a very high chance of urolithiasis or pyelonephritis. And if you are young, had a lot of angina cases and your urinalysis is “bad”, then you have to check for glomerulonephritis.

Continuous arterial hypertension, which can’t be reduced by medication, can be a sign of cardiovascular kidney diseases. The majority of cardiovascular diseases require surgical procedures. Another reason for high blood pressure for men can be acute prostatitis. I really ask readers of my blog to pay attention to the book “Blood Pressure Protocol” by Dr. Channing. High pressure curing methods described in this guide, which allowed my father to defeat hypertension in just 6 weeks. I really recommend it!

Heart diseases

When a person has increased upper pressure, decreased lower pressure and feels how vessels are pulsing between the ribs, one might suspect the coarctation of the aorta – a well-known heart defect. In order to be sure about this diagnosis, a heart sonogram is required.

But why else can we see high numbers on our heart monitors, if not because of cardiovascular diseases? Here are 4 unexpected reasons for high blood pressure!


Don’t be surprised! You can get some blood pressure problems after having a good nutritious meal, especially when you eat a lot of salty things. As we all know, salt keeps water in our bodies, which causes an increased load on our blood vessels. Such “food” hypertension can be caused not only by the herring and pickled cabbage but also by-products, which contain so-called “hidden salt”, i.e. red caviar, cheese like parmesan or suluguni, salami, beer, vermouths,  fortified wine, coffee, and energy drinks. In order to decrease blood pressure, one has to drink something sourish, i.e. tea with lemon, mores or light dry wine.


Alcohol causes brain blood vessel spasms, which brings such classic symptoms of hypertension as heavy and pulsing head, increased heartbeat, and muscle weakness. In such a situation only antispasmodics can help, simultaneously removing the headache.

Spine problems

Osteochondrosis and various back injuries can cause hypertension, especially among young people. Hypertension appears because various vertebrae injuries create constant tension of neck and back muscles, which can cause neck blood vessels spasm and insufficient brain blood flow. Increased blood pressure at the end of the day can be caused by improper working place organization, which results in additional load on muscles around the eyes.

Some medicaments

A continuous use (more than one month) of so visually harmless vasoconstrictive nasal drops can cause high levels of blood pressure. Try not to get used to such medicine. And of course, so beloved stimulators like ginseng. If one uses them to “shake” his or her body on a regular basis and increasing the recommended dose (20-30 drops of the tincture), even a hypertensive crisis can occur.

Check yourself! Levels of blood pressure:

  • 115-110/70 — decreased normal pressure
  • 120/80 — optimal pressure
  • 130-139/85 — the upper limit of normal pressure
  • from 140/90 and higher — arterial hypertension

Blood Pressure Protocol by Dr. Channing

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