Who is a freelancer? Is it good to be a freelancer? Lately, more and more people want to live freely and do not depend on constant work. Under the freedom is understood, first of all, life on its own convenient schedule, and not according to the fulfilled scheme “work-home-work”. It should be noted right away that not many people decide to leave their work in the office and go for a free piece, but those who still take this serious step have only one option – freelancing!
By the way, friends, I’m glad to present the ebook My Freelance Paycheck by Laura Pennington. This guide will help you become a financially independent person. Do not miss the chance of a change for the better in your life. You deserve more than listening to reproaches from the boss about a poorly done job.
So who is a freelancer and what does he do? Let’s start with the definition of the concept of Freelance. Under it is understood the work for hire when the employer is looking for an artist and gives him tasks. The customer fixes the terms, and the executor for the allotted time must execute the order and send it for verification.
If everything is good and the work is done qualitatively and on time, the customer transfers the previously agreed amount to the employee. At the same time, it is not necessary for the Contractor to meet the employer face to face. All negotiations can take place by phone or on the Internet.
Most often in freelancing, there are no middlemen, but sometimes there is such, we’ll talk about this a little later. In the meantime, we summarize. Freelancer – a person who performs work on the order. At the same time, he chooses his place of work and time independently. He does not have a fixed salary, there is no schedule, but there are only orders and terms for their implementation.
Of course, this activity is not suitable for everyone. To be a freelancer you need to be able to adjust to the changing market of services, and also have good self-discipline and self-organization. Let’s see what’s good and what’s wrong with this job?
What’s good? To begin with, there is no need to get from home to work and back. In large cities, this takes more than one hour. Also, there is no need to get up early, you form your own schedule: you want to – work at night, you want early in the morning or late at night. You can work in the morning and in the evening, and spend the whole day with your family, it’s up to you. You can arrange your workplace as you like. You can work at home, you can rent an office. You can freelance remotely from some warm country. You cannot be dismissed, you can only do what you like and what you can do best.
What’s wrong then? If everything were so good and simple, then no one would work in the offices and factories, would you agree? Hence, there are some pitfalls. Let’s start at the very beginning. Many freelancers who cannot properly organize the work process, completely forget about their health and do not go out for months. Do not visit doctors, do not perform physical exercises.
The next disadvantage is the volatility and seasonality of work. Unstable earnings can dislodge anyone. Imagine, in one month you can earn two or three salaries of an average office worker, and the next month you can stay without money at all. We need to constantly monitor the financial flows. Again, self-discipline and self-organization are very important. In short, if you are not the last slob, you should do it.