Bikini Body Workouts

“Beautiful girl is the girl with a curvy shape!” – said my grandmother, putting one more pie on the table. The women in our family are not famous for the beautiful figure in the modern sense. Large hands, round hips, belly and other signs of problems caused by being overweight – that’s what our family was considered as a beautiful figure. When I grew up and got out of parental care, I tried a lot of things to lose weight, to give my 77 kilos at least some kind of a beautiful figure.

With fifteen years of experience in fighting with excess weight, I can tell you that on the way to a slim and beautiful figure, the most important thing – to get the right eating habits and do regular exercise. Best exercises for a beautiful figure you can find in Jen Ferruggia’s book Bikini Body Workouts. You can download this fitness guide via the link on this page.

Health axioms: do not eat three hours before going to bed, drink more pure water, use fewer fats and flour — all these advises you can find in any book about losing weight and a beautiful figure. I think it is not necessary to talk about them again. But “simple truth about slim and beautiful figure” probably knows only a few. Its principle: trick your appetite – and the extra weight will not bother you.

The first rule of a beautiful figure — don’t put salt into your food. Lean meats are less tasty, which means you will probably eat them less. Listen to yourself: sometimes we take the desire to experience a sharp taste as an appetite. If so — you are always welcome. Add spices to your meal and vanilla and cinnamon to your desserts. The need for salt and sugar will disappear by itself. Believe me, your beautiful figure is worth to go to such a trick.

Water for your beautiful figure

How to trick your appetite? Drink! But only plain water or unsweetened green tea. Soda, packaged juices and beautiful figures are incompatible things. Gases contained in beverages, provoking the accumulation of fat in the intestine and, as a consequence, you will have the extra weight. A half-liter of juice will be the same as a meal of steak and a large portion of salad.

At the same time, the consumption of green tea guarantees you a beautiful figure. According to some studies,  regular consumption of green tea burns up to 80 calories per day. Good thing for losing weight, is not it? By the way, frequently we mistake dehydration for hunger. Try to drink a glass of water half an hour before your meals in small sips – and the amount you will eat will be decreased by at least 30%. Take this rule as the habit, and get a slim and beautiful figure.

Bikini Body Workouts by Jen Ferruggia

Bikini Body Workouts book cover
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