Constipation Relief Program

When there are no problems with bowel movement, we do not even think about what might be different. And try to live without a bowel movement for several days, and all your thoughts will be occupied by only one – when will IT happen? Sadly, but every second adult person has constipation. And it is connected with the reasons for that people do not even attach much importance. But before we talk about constipation, let’s understand the basic concepts – how should it be normal, and what is considered to be constipation?

Is it really constipation?

According to the beliefs of the majority, constipation is not everyday bowel movement. This is partly true. But someone has a bowel movement every other day, and someone does not feel discomfort with bowel movement every 3rd day. So what is considered the norm? Under the modern international criteria, bowel movement from 3 times a day to 3 times a week is considered to be a physiological norm, provided that the person does not feel any discomfort.

Another criterion of the norm is free defecation. That is, fecal masses should come out easily, without excessive straining and prolonged sitting on the toilet. If these conditions are met, it can be argued that the intestine works like a clock, and the person is not suffering from constipation. However, not everything happens perfectly. And this is for a number of reasons.

What are the reasons for constipation in adults?

Causes of malfunction of the intestine are so numerous that it is difficult to allocate something one sometimes. Conditionally they can be divided into objective and subjective. Objective causes of constipation in adults are caused by diseases, including not associated with the bowel, subjective causes depend on the habits and lifestyle of the person.

By the way, Kieran Johnson’s book “Constipation Relief Program”, which presents a unique method of treatment of chronic constipation at home appeared recently. I recommend this guide to anyone who is suffering from this delicate problem. Causal factor underlies one of the classifications, which identifies the following types of constipation:

Alimentary – the constipation is caused by inadequate intake fiber from food. It is found in vegetables, fruits and stimulates peristalsis for digestion. If you analyze a diet in adults with constipation, this factor will be leading among the vast majority. Alimentary constipation is associated with limited consumption of water, which softens the fecal mass, facilitating defecation.

Hypokinetic – this constipation is typical for people with low physical activity. It affects persons of sedentary occupations, such as accountants and drivers. Constipation in bedridden patients belongs to this group too.

Reflective – constipation occurs on the background of the disease in different parts of the digestive system, and occasionally in lesions of other organs.

Toxic is constipation due to chronic intoxication with chemical substances: lead, nicotine, morphine, nitrobenzene. Prolonged intake of some medications — antispasmodics (no-Spa, papaverine, drotaverine) or anticholinergics (atropine, platifillin) – also can cause persistent constipation.

Endocrine constipation occurs due to impaired function of the thyroid gland, ovaries or pituitary.

Mechanical – this type of constipation is associated with obstructions in the colon. There can be scarring, tumor, congenital lengthening of the colon, and hypoplasia of the nerve plexus in the thickness of the intestinal wall.

They allocate another group of constipation, but it is so extensive that it makes sense to consider it separately.

All diseases come from nerves!

Apart from other forms of constipation is neurogenic constipation. Causes of such constipation in adults are associated with disorders of the nervous system. This is a neurosis, depression, trauma, tumors and inflammatory processes of the brain and spinal cord. To this group belongs constipation due to frequent suppression of the urge to defecate. These are cases where there is no toilet, or it is impossible to be away from the workplace.

Apart from other forms of constipation is neurogenic constipation. Causes of such constipation in adults are associated with disorders of the nervous system. This is a neurosis, depression, trauma, tumors and inflammatory processes of the brain and spinal cord. To this group belongs constipation due to frequent suppression of the urge to defecate. These are cases where there is no toilet, or it is impossible to be away from the workplace.

Constipation Relief Program by Kieran Johnson

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