Diet Free Weekends Solution

Diet is often associated with severe restrictions and deprivations that cause only pain and suffering. Dispelling the myth. Read in the review on how to eat well and not get fat. The word “diet” usually conjures up very unpleasant associations.

These deprivations, restrictions, and rejection of gastronomic pleasures make our life more enjoyable. However, this is just a common misconception that diet cannot be healthy and delicious at the same time. You should refuse to eat fried, farinaceous, salty and fatty foods.

There remains a large number of products with which you can prepare interesting and original dishes.  And they will not cause excess fat to your waist. We have collected a few valuable practical tips which will help you to lose weight and at the same time eat tasty with a rich diet.

By the way, be sure to download the book Diet Free Weekends Solution, if you want to learn more secrets on the subject how to eat everything and lose weight at the same time.

Forget fasting

If you want to lose weight and maintain long-term results, you should refuse starvation diets. These include all diets that are aimed to create a hard deficit of calories. Of course, if you face the goal to lose weight, you must spend more calories than you take in.

But here it is important to remember that the body which is set in tough conditions begins to work in a special mode and store fat “in reserve”.

As a result, when a person comes out of the diet and returns to the normal diet he puts on extra weight even easier and faster. That is why food must be balanced.

Your diet should include moderate amounts of all food groups: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Instead of simple carbohydrates choose complex ones and exclude trans fats in favor of vegetable oils and animal fats.

Do not skip breakfast

All doctors and nutritionists unanimously assure you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and there is no reason not to believe them. The body wakes up and it is very important to recharge it with good energy and vivacity for the whole day, and only a healthy breakfast can do it.

The ideal variant is cereal or eggs. What else you can eat for breakfast to speed up the metabolism read in Nike & Sabrina Whitfield’s guide. By the way, it is the morning meal when you are allowed to make yourself a little indulgence and grab some scrummy snacks. If you are planning an active day all your received calories will be gone.

Eat fractionally

Instead of filling the dish up to the top a couple of times a day, eat small meals 5-6 times a day. This nutrition system is called “fractional”. The body will always feel itself full and you do not risk to eat more than you really need.

Diet Free Weekends Solution by Nike & Sabrina Whitfield

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