Legendary Enlargement

Legendary Enlargement introduces a method to increase the size of the penis. The average size of an erected penis is around five inches in length and four and a half inches in girth. Millions of men have penises shorter than five inches and the girth too, is typically around four inches. Neither is sufficient for optimum sexual stimulation in women.

While it is true that the clitoris and many other sensitive parts of the vagina are within two inches from the labia or the lips, there are stimulating spots that are beyond five inches deep. These spots are not stimulated if a penis is just five inches or shorter. This is the primary reason why millions of men and women have continuously sought effective methods for penile enlargement.

This program is not a surgical procedure. It is not an invasive method. There are no extenders or any other device that must be purchased and used for several months to increase the length and girth of the penis. In this book you will find a unique massaging technique. It is not jelqing, which has attained some popularity in recent times. Jelqing may or may not be effective for all but it does have side effects that are experienced by sundry.

The diamond method demonstrated through this e-book creates the same cytomechanical elongation attained by jelqing but without exerting brute pressure on ligaments and blood vessels, respectively tearing and rupturing them as a result.

Samantha’s book is not an extremely aggressive straining method. The massaging technique known as the diamond method uses pressure in a precise manner to increase the blood flow and to facilitate the growth of tissues that subsequently lead to a longer and broader penis. The technique can help a man enlarge his penis in a span of only thirty days. The enlargement is sustainable and there is no adverse effect on the strength of the erection.

Legendary Enlargement by Samantha Wilson

Legendary Enlargement book cover
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