How to lose weight with diabetes of the second type? First of all, I advise you to download and read this brand new guide. You will have a crisp and clear nutrition plan and exercise. This technique is really effective, and will for sure help you. The main thing is to believe in yourself and follow a clear plan from this guide. Health in our life is the most precious thing we have.
Believe me, I won’t advise you anything bad. Everyone knows that diabetes and obesity are related to each other. Therefore, it often seems that losing weight with diabetes won’t work out. But nutritionists will say it; this is not so, say. Of course, losing weight with diabetes is a little more complicated than without it. It’s all about the hormone insulin. Normally, it lowers the blood glucose levels, helping it to pass into cells.
However, this mechanism breaks diabetes, and in the early stages of the disease, there is a situation where there are a high level and the blood glucose and insulin. This condition is called insulin resistance. In addition, insulin promotes the synthesis of fats and proteins, and inhibits the activity of enzymes that break down fats, thereby fat keeps gathering.
At the same time, the second thin type in diabetes is even more important because it is one of the major methods of cell recovery of insulin sensitivity and lower blood glucose increased. This means that the disease begins to recede. I personally know someone who has diabetes which was first identified as a second type on a background of excess weight. He lost weight to look healthy, which amounted to 17 kg and has returned to normal blood glucose. I wish you good luck and patience! I love you all!