Tag: Self-Help Ebooks

Quit Marijuana

How to quit smoking marijuana? The answer is simple – read the guide from Seb Grant and apply his advice in practice. The methodology of this guide is currently …

Find Your Focus

Slowness is one of the main enemies of success. Grow into the usual style of work, it can ruin careers of capable professionals. That’s why I decided to submit …

Police Oral Board

Dear readers, let’s see what people are saying about Mark Denton’s guide. A few testimonials on this manual published below.  Ted G. says: “Dear Mr. Denton, After having taken …

The Goldfish Method

How to deal with stress or laziness? Up to date, there’re enough methods proposed. Those are all kinds of motivational training, self-motivation, and self-promotion. You can, of course, cope …

Stroke of Genius

A stable trustful relationship is great. But the line between stability and predictability or even boredom is too thin. And where the boredom has settled, there is no room …